Reflecting over the last few months, I have become intimately acquainted with my own personal suffering and the sufferings of others. I’m feeling it all – friends getting horrible diagnosis and undergoing surgeries; parents/grandparents of friends and acquaintances stricken with cancer and steeped in radiation and chemo; church members still experiencing joblessness and trying to cope with hopelessness; marriages in trouble; “Christians” darkened by their own sinfulness; fellow-pastor friends suffering while watching and living through on the outside of mental constraints on their loved ones while others hold onto hope when the medical community doesn’t really have viable answers for a healing treatment. It’s been a long couple of months of sadness and grief all around me. I am incredibly aware more than ever of the intensity of my tears and grief as I feel for those who are hurting.
Although intense, my personal suffering is merely a blip in comparison to what those are experiencing around me. At the same time, I am well aware of my own delay and failed alertness in praying diligently for everyone. How much do I pray? How long should I pray? What do I pray? Is God hearing everyone’s prayer? Where’s the time God with all of my stuff as well as others? God I know you hear me and others, when are you going to answer?
“We believe you can heal” because the Scriptures are packed with witnesses that attest to your ability (John 4, 46-54; 5:1-17).
There’s no doubt in my mind that you can remove cancer, allow a biopsy to be benign, give a husband and wife what they need to love one another, bring your church to repentance, sustain an ailing parent, allow someone to obtain a job, change the mental condition of a spouse, and lift someone’s depression and replace it with a vibrant faith. At the same time, you can allow someone to endure and still bring your purposes of glory forth. I know you can do anything (”With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26)
I believe deep in my soul but something hurts so bad. My gut aches and hopes for a rescue from the calvary… for what people could be experiencing but yet my heart is gripped with their season of pain, while I navigate at the same time through my own.
BUT I resolve to trust God that whatever my dear friends experience and whatever I experience in my life that it would be for Jesus’ honor and for the advancement of the gospel. No matter what we all experience in life (both the good and bad) may it be so that the good news of Jesus Christ be made known throughout the nations. Paul reminds my soul, “I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.” – Philippians 1:12, 13.
Although my heart is broken, I count it all as an opportunity for the gospel to be advanced. May our “seemingly” life shattering trials and agonizing pain be the bridge to witnessing hundreds and thousands of people come to know the Savior. May everything be for the glory of Jesus in the salvation of humanity.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
43 Reflections of Wisdom from a 43 Year Old Man
As I reflect on another birthday, I want to share a few nuggets that I’ve been fortunate enough to acquire over my life-time so far. These are in no particular order.
1. Always surrender your will to God because you’ll never win being miserable fighting Him.
2. Never be afraid of taking a risk to pursue what God is calling you to.
3. Rest in God’s Sovereignty because He is who He is.
4. A husbands calling is to sacrificially love and serve His wife the way Jesus loves and serves His church.
5. Real friends don’t fade away with time.
6. A real man is a one woman man. He faithfully cherishes and nurtures her to the day she dies.
7. Don’t be lazy… it’s a waste of time.
8. Avoid playing with lust, p*rn and flirting. It will always end in destruction.
9. The best way to grow in prayer is to pray.
10. God’s Word is my life.
11. You will always have naysayers. Don’t let their voices hinder God’s best in you.
12. Make yourself accountable to a few real people that love Jesus and can be trusted.
13. Teach and train your kids to love Jesus. They don’t just become God lovers.
14. Don’t be afraid to walk alone even though it’s easier to follow the crowd.
15. Trust Jesus even when you are suffering or when life or circumstances don’t make sense.
16. Repent often before you deceive yourself into thinking that you are more than you really are.
17. Spend time with your kids. Your most noble pursuits don’t compare to time spent with them.
18. If a man says you can’t always defer in faith to what God says.
19. Give generously and humbly to people and a faithful local church.
20. Don’t allow idols in your life to replace your allegiance to God.
21. Gathering with other Christians in corporate worship isn’t optional it’s critical.
22. Always read… not just easy things but information that will help you grow.
23. Pursue healthy nutrition and physical exercise and discipline your body to maintain it.
24. Don’t allow life’s busyness or even children to squeeze out romance in marriage.
25. Get away out of town with your spouse and have fun!
26. Teach your children the importance of respecting nature, other people’s property and authority.
27. Never quit because you may be on the brink of succeeding.
28. Live out the truth of the gospel if you say you believe it.
29. Don’t idolize men… they will always disappoint. Worship Jesus!
30. Work hard for Jesus’ glory and fame.
31. If people can’t control you, they’ll seek to destroy you.
32. God is most glorified in our lives when we live out of our brokenness.
33. There will always be enough work to do so don’t be afraid to relax.
34. Take family vacations and develop lasting memories with your family.
35. Complaining only exhausts you emotionally. Avoid it by praying diligently about the situation.
36. Our disappointments and failures even have an eternal purpose.
37. Purpose and meaning in life are only found in Jesus.
38. It’s a blessing when people are kind to you because they really don’t have to.
39. Read books that will grow different areas of your life.
40. Leaders can see what no one else sees.
41. Everyone has insecurities but everyone doesn’t have to depend on them for life.
42. Steward the money that God has given you and you’d be surprised by how far it goes.
43. Humility is the greatest pursuit for a man.
1. Always surrender your will to God because you’ll never win being miserable fighting Him.
2. Never be afraid of taking a risk to pursue what God is calling you to.
3. Rest in God’s Sovereignty because He is who He is.
4. A husbands calling is to sacrificially love and serve His wife the way Jesus loves and serves His church.
5. Real friends don’t fade away with time.
6. A real man is a one woman man. He faithfully cherishes and nurtures her to the day she dies.
7. Don’t be lazy… it’s a waste of time.
8. Avoid playing with lust, p*rn and flirting. It will always end in destruction.
9. The best way to grow in prayer is to pray.
10. God’s Word is my life.
11. You will always have naysayers. Don’t let their voices hinder God’s best in you.
12. Make yourself accountable to a few real people that love Jesus and can be trusted.
13. Teach and train your kids to love Jesus. They don’t just become God lovers.
14. Don’t be afraid to walk alone even though it’s easier to follow the crowd.
15. Trust Jesus even when you are suffering or when life or circumstances don’t make sense.
16. Repent often before you deceive yourself into thinking that you are more than you really are.
17. Spend time with your kids. Your most noble pursuits don’t compare to time spent with them.
18. If a man says you can’t always defer in faith to what God says.
19. Give generously and humbly to people and a faithful local church.
20. Don’t allow idols in your life to replace your allegiance to God.
21. Gathering with other Christians in corporate worship isn’t optional it’s critical.
22. Always read… not just easy things but information that will help you grow.
23. Pursue healthy nutrition and physical exercise and discipline your body to maintain it.
24. Don’t allow life’s busyness or even children to squeeze out romance in marriage.
25. Get away out of town with your spouse and have fun!
26. Teach your children the importance of respecting nature, other people’s property and authority.
27. Never quit because you may be on the brink of succeeding.
28. Live out the truth of the gospel if you say you believe it.
29. Don’t idolize men… they will always disappoint. Worship Jesus!
30. Work hard for Jesus’ glory and fame.
31. If people can’t control you, they’ll seek to destroy you.
32. God is most glorified in our lives when we live out of our brokenness.
33. There will always be enough work to do so don’t be afraid to relax.
34. Take family vacations and develop lasting memories with your family.
35. Complaining only exhausts you emotionally. Avoid it by praying diligently about the situation.
36. Our disappointments and failures even have an eternal purpose.
37. Purpose and meaning in life are only found in Jesus.
38. It’s a blessing when people are kind to you because they really don’t have to.
39. Read books that will grow different areas of your life.
40. Leaders can see what no one else sees.
41. Everyone has insecurities but everyone doesn’t have to depend on them for life.
42. Steward the money that God has given you and you’d be surprised by how far it goes.
43. Humility is the greatest pursuit for a man.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Subtle Appeal
“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13
If I had a fire burning in my lap without me trying to put it out, people around me would think I’m out of my mind. However, if no one knew the fire was burning in my lap there thoughts wouldn’t matter.
Is there a fire burning in your lap that no one else can see? Proverbs 6:27 says, “Can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned?” Why am I talking about fire, burning and whether people know it and can see it? Although Facebook (FB) can be used as a blessing for God’s glory, it also can be used as a tool of Satan for your destruction.
Let’s be frank! Many of us on FB have connected with people that we haven’t seen in years and even decades. We are meeting new people everyday, experiencing life, sharing pictures (typically the best ones so that we can look our best), information and engaging in conversations that range from how many children we have to what you are doing at the moment. It’s a phenomenal means of socialization and networking.
For the most part, the FB social network is public. But FB also has a few built in allowances for “privacy” that allow for more one-on-one interactions, which are fine. But these allowances if not honestly dealt with could, can and will lead to emotional, mental and physical attachments with the wrong people that may destroy you. I know you are saying to yourself, “What, he’s trippin?” “Why does he hate on FB?” Listen to me, I’m one of FB’s biggest fans with over 400 plus friends but I’m also not naïve to the depravity of man. Man’s heart is wicked, depraved, rebellious and desirous to please itself. Man’s heart combined with Satan’s schemes is a lethal combination. You see, Satan could care less about me and thus desires to use my sinfulness and whoever else would participate to hinder God’s work in my heart and family.
Now, before you write me off as “over the top” let me make sure that you hear me correctly. Using the chat feature, INBOX and whatever other means out there to communicate privately with people isn’t wrong. However, don’t sleep on Satan’s ability to awaken in you a subtle appeal for someone of the opposite sex that isn’t YOUR spouse.
Please feel free to answer a few questions for yourself: Who are you spending the most time chatting with? How often do you chat with them? What do you talk about? Where is your spouse when you are chatting? Could your spouse read your chats and not be offended? What about your inbox? Who is in your inbox? Who are you hoping would send you a message? Whose page are you constantly going to in order to see what they are doing?
Let me help you out! You don’t have to have sex with someone to be out of bounds, committing adultery and in an emotional affair. Affairs happen subtly. It is a subtle appeal that grips your emotions and then controls your desires, body and actions. Everyone who has ever had an affair would tell you that it started out so innocent but ended in disaster.
FB has a wonderful “public face” but I’m wondering how many people are behind the scenes creeping, hiding, lusting, freaking, caught, devastated and now assessing the collateral damage from a lot of bad decisions.
If you are huffing and puffing through this, you may be already knee deep in an emotional affair because you perceive that I’m throwing “cold water” on your flow. If so, good! If you are convicted like me then begin setting boundaries within FB and honoring your spouse and the friends you know and love. I’m not a legalistic; you set your own boundaries but do take heed…
To the single brothers, make sure you aren’t engaging with someone else’s wife too frequent and too intimately. If her husband can’t read what you are saying to her without getting offended then you are out of bounds. I know many of you are back in touch with a few sisters from the past but maybe now they are married. Let them BE! The past was the past and it’s time for you to move on… Don’t try to take a sister “back down memory lane” to test her loyalties to the past in lieu of her present marital commitments. This is sinful, manipulative and the carnal side of you lusting after her.
Join me on FB making some new commitments, setting some wise boundaries and being honest with yourself as you seek to honor God with this amazing tool that he has given us to steward. Have the type of fun that would honor our King. Peace.
If I had a fire burning in my lap without me trying to put it out, people around me would think I’m out of my mind. However, if no one knew the fire was burning in my lap there thoughts wouldn’t matter.
Is there a fire burning in your lap that no one else can see? Proverbs 6:27 says, “Can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned?” Why am I talking about fire, burning and whether people know it and can see it? Although Facebook (FB) can be used as a blessing for God’s glory, it also can be used as a tool of Satan for your destruction.
Let’s be frank! Many of us on FB have connected with people that we haven’t seen in years and even decades. We are meeting new people everyday, experiencing life, sharing pictures (typically the best ones so that we can look our best), information and engaging in conversations that range from how many children we have to what you are doing at the moment. It’s a phenomenal means of socialization and networking.
For the most part, the FB social network is public. But FB also has a few built in allowances for “privacy” that allow for more one-on-one interactions, which are fine. But these allowances if not honestly dealt with could, can and will lead to emotional, mental and physical attachments with the wrong people that may destroy you. I know you are saying to yourself, “What, he’s trippin?” “Why does he hate on FB?” Listen to me, I’m one of FB’s biggest fans with over 400 plus friends but I’m also not naïve to the depravity of man. Man’s heart is wicked, depraved, rebellious and desirous to please itself. Man’s heart combined with Satan’s schemes is a lethal combination. You see, Satan could care less about me and thus desires to use my sinfulness and whoever else would participate to hinder God’s work in my heart and family.
Now, before you write me off as “over the top” let me make sure that you hear me correctly. Using the chat feature, INBOX and whatever other means out there to communicate privately with people isn’t wrong. However, don’t sleep on Satan’s ability to awaken in you a subtle appeal for someone of the opposite sex that isn’t YOUR spouse.
Please feel free to answer a few questions for yourself: Who are you spending the most time chatting with? How often do you chat with them? What do you talk about? Where is your spouse when you are chatting? Could your spouse read your chats and not be offended? What about your inbox? Who is in your inbox? Who are you hoping would send you a message? Whose page are you constantly going to in order to see what they are doing?
Let me help you out! You don’t have to have sex with someone to be out of bounds, committing adultery and in an emotional affair. Affairs happen subtly. It is a subtle appeal that grips your emotions and then controls your desires, body and actions. Everyone who has ever had an affair would tell you that it started out so innocent but ended in disaster.
FB has a wonderful “public face” but I’m wondering how many people are behind the scenes creeping, hiding, lusting, freaking, caught, devastated and now assessing the collateral damage from a lot of bad decisions.
If you are huffing and puffing through this, you may be already knee deep in an emotional affair because you perceive that I’m throwing “cold water” on your flow. If so, good! If you are convicted like me then begin setting boundaries within FB and honoring your spouse and the friends you know and love. I’m not a legalistic; you set your own boundaries but do take heed…
To the single brothers, make sure you aren’t engaging with someone else’s wife too frequent and too intimately. If her husband can’t read what you are saying to her without getting offended then you are out of bounds. I know many of you are back in touch with a few sisters from the past but maybe now they are married. Let them BE! The past was the past and it’s time for you to move on… Don’t try to take a sister “back down memory lane” to test her loyalties to the past in lieu of her present marital commitments. This is sinful, manipulative and the carnal side of you lusting after her.
Join me on FB making some new commitments, setting some wise boundaries and being honest with yourself as you seek to honor God with this amazing tool that he has given us to steward. Have the type of fun that would honor our King. Peace.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Stay Away From Her!
“Keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house.” – Proverbs 5:8
As the pollen has hit those of us that struggle with allergies, it has reminded me that the flowers and the trees are in full bloom. Spring is an incredible time of the year, not just for its cool temperatures but also for the “awakening” of what has been dormant for months.
Flowers and trees aren’t the only things that are waking up. There are women who are leveraging the weather break as an opportunity to reveal to the naïve their body parts to allure ANY man into an erotic rendezvous either visually or physically.
I recently returned home from a two week road trip. During this trip I not only felt the affects of pollen but also the affects of being a man who is committed to God. No, I wasn’t sneezing the whole time. I was ducking and dodging the “hoochie” women that Solomon was talking about in Proverbs. These women are used by Satan to seek to allure, ensnare and destroy the naïve.
Why was I avoiding women who were putting their breasts on display? Why was I bouncing my eyes away from shapely women who were wearing tight pants and trying to get eye contact with anyone who was interested? Why? I didn’t give in to the temptation because my heart belongs to Jesus. I didn’t avoid the temptation of the first, second, and third look followed by the pursuit due to my own strength but because the Holy Spirit inside of me seeks to bring honor and glory to God.
Jesus rescued me from a life of perpetual lust, fornication, and pornography when He was nailed to the cross. He was tortured, whipped, smacked, stabbed and crushed for all of my sins, past, present and future. And guess what, He did it for your sins as well. So, why should I give in to my perverted lust and sinfulness when Jesus took a vicious beaten so that those sins wouldn’t have power and dominion over my life? You may be saying, “What’s wrong with a little lust?” “What’s wrong with a couple innocent looks?” “What’s wrong with being aroused by freaky women?”
Wisdom says “stay away from the “forbidden” women, the adulteress with her smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God; for her house sinks down to death, and her paths to the departed; none who go to her come back, nor do they regain the paths of life” - Proverbs 2:16-19. The wisdom of God says stay away from sin. You see, lust, fornication, pornography and adultery will change your life forever, lead you to divorce, hurt those around you and seek to destroy you.
Before God’s grace was extended to me in salvation, I was giving full vent to my lusts. My ambition in life was to build up my prideful ego by selfishly seeking to gratify my sexual pleasures. I had no idea that I was headed for destruction. And I would still be on that path toward destruction and Hell if Jesus didn’t save me. Listen to me brothers, your flesh longs to be stroked but don’t allow the cravings of your flesh to deceive you into ruining your life, possibly your marriage and your future testimony before your kids and those who know you. Jesus died for you so that your life would not end in ruin but on the other hand be lived out in a sensual culture for the praise of His glory. I’m in it with you… I sneeze because of pollen and I take wise precautions to avoid the seductive women.
Brothers stay encouraged and honor Jesus with your body and life.
As the pollen has hit those of us that struggle with allergies, it has reminded me that the flowers and the trees are in full bloom. Spring is an incredible time of the year, not just for its cool temperatures but also for the “awakening” of what has been dormant for months.
Flowers and trees aren’t the only things that are waking up. There are women who are leveraging the weather break as an opportunity to reveal to the naïve their body parts to allure ANY man into an erotic rendezvous either visually or physically.
I recently returned home from a two week road trip. During this trip I not only felt the affects of pollen but also the affects of being a man who is committed to God. No, I wasn’t sneezing the whole time. I was ducking and dodging the “hoochie” women that Solomon was talking about in Proverbs. These women are used by Satan to seek to allure, ensnare and destroy the naïve.
Why was I avoiding women who were putting their breasts on display? Why was I bouncing my eyes away from shapely women who were wearing tight pants and trying to get eye contact with anyone who was interested? Why? I didn’t give in to the temptation because my heart belongs to Jesus. I didn’t avoid the temptation of the first, second, and third look followed by the pursuit due to my own strength but because the Holy Spirit inside of me seeks to bring honor and glory to God.
Jesus rescued me from a life of perpetual lust, fornication, and pornography when He was nailed to the cross. He was tortured, whipped, smacked, stabbed and crushed for all of my sins, past, present and future. And guess what, He did it for your sins as well. So, why should I give in to my perverted lust and sinfulness when Jesus took a vicious beaten so that those sins wouldn’t have power and dominion over my life? You may be saying, “What’s wrong with a little lust?” “What’s wrong with a couple innocent looks?” “What’s wrong with being aroused by freaky women?”
Wisdom says “stay away from the “forbidden” women, the adulteress with her smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God; for her house sinks down to death, and her paths to the departed; none who go to her come back, nor do they regain the paths of life” - Proverbs 2:16-19. The wisdom of God says stay away from sin. You see, lust, fornication, pornography and adultery will change your life forever, lead you to divorce, hurt those around you and seek to destroy you.
Before God’s grace was extended to me in salvation, I was giving full vent to my lusts. My ambition in life was to build up my prideful ego by selfishly seeking to gratify my sexual pleasures. I had no idea that I was headed for destruction. And I would still be on that path toward destruction and Hell if Jesus didn’t save me. Listen to me brothers, your flesh longs to be stroked but don’t allow the cravings of your flesh to deceive you into ruining your life, possibly your marriage and your future testimony before your kids and those who know you. Jesus died for you so that your life would not end in ruin but on the other hand be lived out in a sensual culture for the praise of His glory. I’m in it with you… I sneeze because of pollen and I take wise precautions to avoid the seductive women.
Brothers stay encouraged and honor Jesus with your body and life.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Crushing Pride: Coming Clean
“By insolence (pride) comes nothing but strife, but with those who take advice is wisdom.” Proverbs 13:10
When was the last time you were in a “good” verbal fight? I mean really…
All of us from time to time have been in a war of words over something that really didn’t matter in the end. If you are married or ever been married, I’m sure you can remember some knock-down-drag out arguments that left you up late, emotionally drained, tired, hurt, frustrated, lonely, misunderstood, and even possibly bitter. And I’m sure you wondered to yourself, “How did we get here and end up in this mess?”
Guess what is interwoven into most of our arguments? That’s right – pride. Whenever there’s a fight, argument and disagreement, pride is somewhere lurking around desiring to be center stage. And I believe that you know what I’m talking about. Some of us have experienced this with supervisors, colleagues, wives, children, relatives, baby-mamas, managers, neighbors and even close friends. Pride creates tension and we’ve all felt its affects.
Think about your worst argument for a second. What would have happened in the midst of that verbal assault if you would have taken your eyes off of the other person and confessed and repented of your own pride getting the best of you? You are probably saying to yourself, “Well if she didn’t do this…” or “If he didn’t do that…”
You see, we all struggle with taking personal ownership for our own pride. Let’s face it men, we won’t to always win! We want to be right! We want everyone else to be wrong! We won’t our way to be the right way! We want everyone to listen to us! We want everyone else to “bow down” to our point in the matter! The other persons wrong always captivates our attention more than our own wrongs (Matthew 7:1-5).
Here’s some freeing news - arguments are a normal part of every human relationship but strife (quarrels) comes when we let pride go unchecked, unaddressed and un-confessed. However, something amazing happens when we come clean with our pride. It’s as if our ears become unclogged. For example, whenever I lock horns with someone in an argument, as soon as I acknowledge my sin and wrongdoing, the battle seems to die down instantly. Why? Strife simmers down when we allow the truth of our error to take our eyes off the other person. When we choose to turn the lights on our own pride, choose not to defend ourselves, own our own hang-ups and issues, acknowledging our own wrongdoings, it allows for progression towards health in our relationships.
So the next time you get fired up at someone, put your own pride in check and watch God simmer down the fire. Let’s work on coming clean with our own pride this week as we interact and relate with those around us. Praying for you!
When was the last time you were in a “good” verbal fight? I mean really…
All of us from time to time have been in a war of words over something that really didn’t matter in the end. If you are married or ever been married, I’m sure you can remember some knock-down-drag out arguments that left you up late, emotionally drained, tired, hurt, frustrated, lonely, misunderstood, and even possibly bitter. And I’m sure you wondered to yourself, “How did we get here and end up in this mess?”
Guess what is interwoven into most of our arguments? That’s right – pride. Whenever there’s a fight, argument and disagreement, pride is somewhere lurking around desiring to be center stage. And I believe that you know what I’m talking about. Some of us have experienced this with supervisors, colleagues, wives, children, relatives, baby-mamas, managers, neighbors and even close friends. Pride creates tension and we’ve all felt its affects.
Think about your worst argument for a second. What would have happened in the midst of that verbal assault if you would have taken your eyes off of the other person and confessed and repented of your own pride getting the best of you? You are probably saying to yourself, “Well if she didn’t do this…” or “If he didn’t do that…”
You see, we all struggle with taking personal ownership for our own pride. Let’s face it men, we won’t to always win! We want to be right! We want everyone else to be wrong! We won’t our way to be the right way! We want everyone to listen to us! We want everyone else to “bow down” to our point in the matter! The other persons wrong always captivates our attention more than our own wrongs (Matthew 7:1-5).
Here’s some freeing news - arguments are a normal part of every human relationship but strife (quarrels) comes when we let pride go unchecked, unaddressed and un-confessed. However, something amazing happens when we come clean with our pride. It’s as if our ears become unclogged. For example, whenever I lock horns with someone in an argument, as soon as I acknowledge my sin and wrongdoing, the battle seems to die down instantly. Why? Strife simmers down when we allow the truth of our error to take our eyes off the other person. When we choose to turn the lights on our own pride, choose not to defend ourselves, own our own hang-ups and issues, acknowledging our own wrongdoings, it allows for progression towards health in our relationships.
So the next time you get fired up at someone, put your own pride in check and watch God simmer down the fire. Let’s work on coming clean with our own pride this week as we interact and relate with those around us. Praying for you!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Crushing Pride: Idolatry Awaits the Forgetful
“And if you forget the Lord your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, ‘I solemnly warn you today that you shall surely perish. Like the nations that the Lord makes to perish before you, so shall you perish, because you would not obey the voice of the Lord your God.’” Deuteronomy 8:19
Forgetting God always leads to a dependency upon self and a reliance on our own strength. Why? We need God more than we are willing to admit. Every morning I wake up, I tell my flesh, that I desperately need God. I’ve done this over the years so that my Type A and driven personality doesn’t convince me that I can live a day without the grace, love and power of God.
What does remembering God do? It puts us in a posture of humility and dependence upon Him for living. When we remember God, we recognize immediately that He is the Creator, the King, the Almighty, the Savior and the Sustainer of the universe, and so much more.
In the case of the children of Israel, God was trying to remind them not to “forget Him” when they got into the Promised Land. God literally said, “Don’t think it was your power and might that got you where you are today.” Men, we need to hear this everyday!
Forgetting God, not only can lead to pride, it also can lead to idolatry. What do I mean by idolatry (Exodus 20:3)? We all have a sinful bent within us to forget God and worship everything else but Him. You see, even though Adam and Eve were created to worship God, they chose to ignore or forget what God said to them in Genesis 2:16. Because they decided to give greater allegiance to their own appetites, desires and pride rather than what God said to them, they jacked up all humanity. And guess what? The result is that our lives have been radically changed forever.
That’s why we need Jesus and the love He showed towards us. Don’t forget Him and what He has done for us by dying on the cross for our sin.
I’m reminding you and myself today not to forget God. Remember Him so that you don’t worship and live in awe of your own desires, aspirations, pride, “successes”, achievements, self-sufficiency, image, careers, women, lusts, “self-deception”, etc… You fill in the blank with whatever you devote attention and worship other than God.
Men, our entire existence is because of God. Nothing deserves “the glory” and our devotion more than Him. Remember, we have been created to worship God, not just only Sundays but everyday of our lives. Humble yourself and remember daily to worship God or you WILL substitute God with something else that doesn’t deserve your awe, devotion and attention.
I know God is speaking to you because He is speaking to me. Remember God and worship Him. If we don’t remember Him, we run the risk of coming to ruin like those who already worship everything else but God.
This week, develop your strategy for remembering God and share your ideas with your brothers.
Forgetting God always leads to a dependency upon self and a reliance on our own strength. Why? We need God more than we are willing to admit. Every morning I wake up, I tell my flesh, that I desperately need God. I’ve done this over the years so that my Type A and driven personality doesn’t convince me that I can live a day without the grace, love and power of God.
What does remembering God do? It puts us in a posture of humility and dependence upon Him for living. When we remember God, we recognize immediately that He is the Creator, the King, the Almighty, the Savior and the Sustainer of the universe, and so much more.
In the case of the children of Israel, God was trying to remind them not to “forget Him” when they got into the Promised Land. God literally said, “Don’t think it was your power and might that got you where you are today.” Men, we need to hear this everyday!
Forgetting God, not only can lead to pride, it also can lead to idolatry. What do I mean by idolatry (Exodus 20:3)? We all have a sinful bent within us to forget God and worship everything else but Him. You see, even though Adam and Eve were created to worship God, they chose to ignore or forget what God said to them in Genesis 2:16. Because they decided to give greater allegiance to their own appetites, desires and pride rather than what God said to them, they jacked up all humanity. And guess what? The result is that our lives have been radically changed forever.
That’s why we need Jesus and the love He showed towards us. Don’t forget Him and what He has done for us by dying on the cross for our sin.
I’m reminding you and myself today not to forget God. Remember Him so that you don’t worship and live in awe of your own desires, aspirations, pride, “successes”, achievements, self-sufficiency, image, careers, women, lusts, “self-deception”, etc… You fill in the blank with whatever you devote attention and worship other than God.
Men, our entire existence is because of God. Nothing deserves “the glory” and our devotion more than Him. Remember, we have been created to worship God, not just only Sundays but everyday of our lives. Humble yourself and remember daily to worship God or you WILL substitute God with something else that doesn’t deserve your awe, devotion and attention.
I know God is speaking to you because He is speaking to me. Remember God and worship Him. If we don’t remember Him, we run the risk of coming to ruin like those who already worship everything else but God.
This week, develop your strategy for remembering God and share your ideas with your brothers.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Crushing Pride: Remember God
“Beware lest you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.’ You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day. And if you forget the Lord your God and go after other gods and serve them and worship them, I solemnly warn you today that you shall surely perish.” Deuteronomy 8:17-19
What was the last thing your wife or somebody else asked you to do? Can you remember what it was? I’ll give you a moment to think about it… Do you need more time?
Hey, let’s all face it brothers, we all FORGET stuff, don’t we? Forgetting things is really innocently a part of life. However, some forgetfulness comes with a high price. Case in point, if you come in everyday for work saying, “I forgot what time I was supposed to show up, your boss would probably show YOU the door.” Also, if you forgot to bring your wedding ring to the altar during your marriage ceremony, you’re probably still haunted by your forgetfulness and in the dog house with your wife. What if you continue telling your wife that you keep forgetting everyday to brush your teeth but still want one of those passionate kisses that you like? Now, that’s nasty forgetfulness…
But if you forget to take out the trash maybe once every other month, there would be no big deal. Or if you forget to put the toilet seat down every now and then, it wouldn’t be anything to stress over (depending on who you’re married too)… Bottom line, there are some things that are critical to remember and there are some things that are not so critical, as long as it doesn’t become consistent and habitual.
In Deuteronomy, Moses, Israel’s 120 year old leader is preparing a new generation destined for the Promised Land after surviving 40 years in the wilderness. Being proactive, Moses encourages them to obey, not following the horrific examples of their predecessors. Throughout his discourse he tells the people over and over “beware lest you forget.” Why would he say this? And what does this have to do with “crushing pride” in my life? Moses understands that forgetfulness tends to lead to arrogance and disobedience. Think about it? When we forget over and over to do something, we are communicating to ourselves and to others that “we don’t need to remember, no matter how important it is or anyone thinks it is.” For example, what happens when you ask your son to clean up his room every day and he doesn’t? He casually tells you everyday that he keeps forgetting. What is he communicating to you? Unless he has a mental or developmental challenge, he is saying, “Dad, what you are asking me to remember is not important to me even though it’s important to you!”
Forgetfulness also can lead to disobedience because it “excuses” ones ability to obey what has been instructed.
Moses was telling this “new generation” not to become deceived into thinking that their own hands had anything to do with them receiving all the benefits of the Promised Land. In other words, “Don’t ever think that it’s by your power or might that you receive anything.” Moses says, “Everything you have is a gift of grace from God.”
It is so easy for us men to think that WE had something to do with our “success”, “progress” and our “wealth.” Everything we have is a gift of grace from God! However, pride convinces us to say, “I did it, that’s why I’m enjoying it.” It also says, “I go to work everyday and make it happen, God didn’t have anything to do with what I accomplish.” But here’s the leveler, “What if God decided to allow your heart to stop beating?” Or what if God allowed a blood clot to lodge in your main artery which would stop the flow of blood to your heart? Everything we have, are and ever will attain to be is because of God whether we accept that or not.
Listen to me! Remember God! Remember God! Remember God! Don’t forget that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” – James 1:17
Remember, it is God who deserves all of the glory, not us.
As you seek to crush pride in your life ask Him, “Jesus, please keep reminding me that it’s you I need! It’s you that has provided for everything I am and everything I have. It is you who has given me wealth, success, good friends, a family, a place to live, influence, good health, food to eat, soundness of mind, people who love me, children, etc… Help me to remember you and make time in my day to honor you, serve you, learn about you and surrender my life to you. In Jesus name, Amen”
Next week, I’ll show you how “not remembering God” leads to worshiping everything but HIM.
Friday, February 27, 2009
His Instructions Matter
“And the Lord commanded the man, saying, ‘You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.’” (Genesis 2:17)
After God created everything, He put Adam in the Garden of Eden to “serve” and “maintain” the garden. Man’s first responsibilities given from the mouth of God was to thrive where God put him by serving and maintaining the garden.
So here it is men, serve and maintain where God has placed you. Alright! So what does this have to do with pride?
When we trace back the steps of pride in the human race we must carefully explore the first few chapters of Genesis. In Genesis 3, Satan tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God’s original command given in Genesis 2:17. Satan’s primary tactics are always to cause us to devalue, minimize, doubt and ignore the value of what God has to say. Adam knew the truth but didn’t value the truth enough to defend his wife against the lies of the enemy.
What can we learn? We can learn something here as it relates to the sin of pride. Ignoring the first command that God gave Adam led to the downfall of the human race (Romans 3:23). God gave Adam specific instructions that would have helped and guided him in obeying his Creator and stewarding his responsibilities but what did Adam do? Adam failed to value what God said to him.
I think one of the important steps in our victory over pride is taking heed to what God says to us through His Word.
As a man, when you were growing up, did anyone engrain within you that God’s Word mattered? I think personally as men, we grow up full of pride because we are all sinners but also because no one says, “God’s instructions matter.” So what do we do? We become instructors of ourselves and live based on our own desires instead of according to what God says.
Our first step towards humility is valuing everything that God says to us in His Word. If you own a copy of the Scriptures, I encourage you to read them. Don’t be afraid of them because they are meant to help, guide and protect you. Listen to me, pride says, “I don’t need what God has to say… I only need myself.” Humility says, “I desperately need everything God says to me in His Word.”
Over the next few days, dive into the Scriptures and demonstrate your need for HIM. Ask God, “Lord, help me live today, dependent on you and everything you have to say to me through your Word.”
After God created everything, He put Adam in the Garden of Eden to “serve” and “maintain” the garden. Man’s first responsibilities given from the mouth of God was to thrive where God put him by serving and maintaining the garden.
So here it is men, serve and maintain where God has placed you. Alright! So what does this have to do with pride?
When we trace back the steps of pride in the human race we must carefully explore the first few chapters of Genesis. In Genesis 3, Satan tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God’s original command given in Genesis 2:17. Satan’s primary tactics are always to cause us to devalue, minimize, doubt and ignore the value of what God has to say. Adam knew the truth but didn’t value the truth enough to defend his wife against the lies of the enemy.
What can we learn? We can learn something here as it relates to the sin of pride. Ignoring the first command that God gave Adam led to the downfall of the human race (Romans 3:23). God gave Adam specific instructions that would have helped and guided him in obeying his Creator and stewarding his responsibilities but what did Adam do? Adam failed to value what God said to him.
I think one of the important steps in our victory over pride is taking heed to what God says to us through His Word.
As a man, when you were growing up, did anyone engrain within you that God’s Word mattered? I think personally as men, we grow up full of pride because we are all sinners but also because no one says, “God’s instructions matter.” So what do we do? We become instructors of ourselves and live based on our own desires instead of according to what God says.
Our first step towards humility is valuing everything that God says to us in His Word. If you own a copy of the Scriptures, I encourage you to read them. Don’t be afraid of them because they are meant to help, guide and protect you. Listen to me, pride says, “I don’t need what God has to say… I only need myself.” Humility says, “I desperately need everything God says to me in His Word.”
Over the next few days, dive into the Scriptures and demonstrate your need for HIM. Ask God, “Lord, help me live today, dependent on you and everything you have to say to me through your Word.”
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Dreaded Stiff Arm
During this year’s football season, I was astonished at the striking resemblance in play between Walter Payton and Adrian Peterson, running back for the Minnesota Vikings. Recently, I caught a few highlights on ESPN as the sports media made comparisons between the two of them. One clip showed Payton, a.k.a. “Sweetness” running the ball with an oncoming defender approaching him. Running full speed, Walter Payton would almost come to a standstill, juked to the left, rotated his hips, then juked to the right and headed for the sidelines. After evasively avoiding his opponent, it would appear that he was headed for a touchdown until an eager, aggressive and winded cornerback or safety caught up to him, attempting to thrust Payton out of bounds. However, unbeknownst to him, he would experience a HARD stiff arm to the helmet from Payton that would appear to have broken his neck. Once the defender realized that his chances of tackling him was over, Payton held the ball out to the side and high stepped freely on his toes into the end zone.
Every time I witnessed a Payton stiff arm, I only grimaced at what it would have felt like. Personally, I have received stiff arms not by Walter Payton but by Jesus Christ. I’ll never experience a Payton stiff arm but over my lifetime I have experienced distance from God. How so? The Bible says in James 4:6, “But He (Jesus) gives more grace. Therefore it says, God opposes (stiff arms) the proud but gives grace to the humble.” There have been times in my life when I have lived prideful and independent of God in order to please myself. I see pride in my life and guess what? God sees pride in your life. As a matter of fact, God sees it and hates it (Proverbs 6:17; Psalm 101:5). To be biblically honest, pride disgusts God. Why? Because pride is at the root of all sin and God hates sin.
But listen to some great news, in spite of our pride, God loves us passionately but hates when we take the initiative to exalt ourselves as god instead of finding our sufficiency in Him. Charles Bridges (Theologian) says, “Pride lifts up one’s heart against God and ‘contends for supremacy’ with Him.” Jonathan Edwards (18th Century theologian) calls pride “the worst viper that is in the heart” and “the greatest disturber of the soul’s peace and sweet communion with Christ. The proud person seeks to glorify himself and not God thus depriving God of what He is only worthy to receive.”
When do we see pride in our lives? We see pride in our lives when we arrogantly think that our success has everything to do with us, deliberately seek the applause of men, live like we have life figured out, and resist help from others because we proudly feel that “I” can do it better than everyone else, etc. Think about your life right now, “How does pride show up in your life?” Let me warn you as men, this is OUR “kryptonite” and our downfall (Proverbs 16:8, 29:23). The Bible teaches us that pride always precedes destruction and an arrogant spirit before a fall.
So what can we do? Should we all walk around sheepishly, with no sense of worth, speaking a little above a whisper to show everyone around us that we aren’t prideful? Not at all! The answer for our prideful hearts is in Scripture. In James 4:6, James says, “that God gives grace to the humble.” In other words, God stiff arms the proud but GIVES His grace (undeserved kindness) to those that humble themselves. You may ask, "How do we humble ourselves?" Repent often, turning our focus from ourselves “as the almighty great one” to Jesus Christ, our greatest picture of “true greatness.”
Listen to me, when the world presses on you to be “great in your own eyes” or you convince yourself that you need to be “the man” in order for the people around you to be impressed with you, repent often, recognizing that you are nothing apart from the goodness and grace of God. You see, Jesus, although God, humbled himself, came to the earth as a lowly human servant, lived a sinless life and died on a cursed cross so that we could be forgiven for our sins and not have to experience the wrath of God (Philippians 2:5-11). We are called to follow Jesus (God), who humbled himself being made low but yet was exalted by the Father (God).
Brothers, I’m in the journey with you! Let’s follow hard after Jesus, allowing Him to show us our pride that wanes deep in our hearts as well as the grace that He is given as well. My prayer for you over the next couple weeks is that you will come to grips with your pride and realize your desperate need for Jesus Christ. We’ll engage around this topic for the next few weeks. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
In the meantime be praying, “Lord, help me live each day completely dependent and trusting in you for everything I need and not myself.” Praying for you!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Welcome men to “For HIM.” I am so pumped about the privilege to engage with each one of you in a way that will enhance your lives spiritually. For those of you that I don’t know, I desire to get to know you personally.
I’m always intrigued by how our decisions literally can transform our lives. You made a great decision in joining. I can confidently say that your life will never be the same. My assurance is not due to anything that I bring to the table but because transformation is always the outcome of desiring and seeking to know more about Jesus Christ.
When I took the plunge to know Him more intimately, I had no idea how refreshing life would become. I’m praying that same prayer for each one of you… Have you ever had someone say, “I’ll pray for you and wondered whether they really prayed for you?” Well, know that I’m praying for each one of you everyday, that Jesus would be made known to you more and more. As a matter of fact, as He does, feel free to share it so that we all can benefit from your story.
I’m proud of you men for desiring truth and I look forward to bringing His truth to you. Please don’t hesitate to invite others regardless of where they may be on their spiritual journey. Here’s a nugget to meditate on… “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, if you abide (remain) in my word you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (ESV-English Standard Version)
I’m always intrigued by how our decisions literally can transform our lives. You made a great decision in joining. I can confidently say that your life will never be the same. My assurance is not due to anything that I bring to the table but because transformation is always the outcome of desiring and seeking to know more about Jesus Christ.
When I took the plunge to know Him more intimately, I had no idea how refreshing life would become. I’m praying that same prayer for each one of you… Have you ever had someone say, “I’ll pray for you and wondered whether they really prayed for you?” Well, know that I’m praying for each one of you everyday, that Jesus would be made known to you more and more. As a matter of fact, as He does, feel free to share it so that we all can benefit from your story.
I’m proud of you men for desiring truth and I look forward to bringing His truth to you. Please don’t hesitate to invite others regardless of where they may be on their spiritual journey. Here’s a nugget to meditate on… “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, if you abide (remain) in my word you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (ESV-English Standard Version)
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